
Youth Ministry

Today’s youth are confronted with many competing voices about who they are and where they belong in society, in the world, and in their relationship with God. The Youth Ministry is here to empower youth to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today, draw youth to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community, and foster the total personal and spiritual growth of
each young person

Young Adult Ministry (YAMs)

Empowers young people to live as disciples of Jesus Chrust in our world today; to draw them to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community; to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young adult

Young Voices of Praise

Young adult choir (2nd Sunday): To proclaim the word of God through song and instruments, enabling the spirit filled prayer of assembly, encouraging God’s people to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with God. Enables full active and conscious participation of the assembly in worship


Alter Servers

Assists the clergy in the celebration of the Mass by assisting the clergy and other liturgical ministers while God’s people are gathered in prayer.

Alter Society

Individuals working together to provide the appropriate liturgical environment for each season of the Liturgical year.


Provides comfort, guidance and support to those who are planning for the burial of a loved one and those who have experienced recent loss.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Servants of the Lord who bring the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus to the faithful during the celebration of the Eucharist and to those who are home bound, the sick, the elderly and those who are unable to attend the Eucharistic celebration during Mass


We spread the “Good News” to all; to reach beyond our church into our community and workplace; wherever people need to hear.


Serve, recognize and celebrate our church community through organized family events


Serves the people of God by proclaiming His word during Mass and spreading it to the world; to make the word of God a living statement.

Religious Education

Aid children through adults in becoming fully initiated members of the Catholic Church by passing on the values and teachings of our Catholic faith.



Children’s Liturgy




Assists with the preparation of Mass and all occasions we celebrate.

Ushers and Greeters

Ushers and greeters welcome and provide guidance to those desiring to worship and praise God in our faith community.

Voices of Greatness

10 AM Adult choir (1st and 3rd Sundays of each month): To proclaim the word of God through song and instruments, enabling the spirit filled prayer of assembly, encouraging God’s people to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with God. Enables full active and conscious participation of the assembly in worship

Young Voices of Praise

Young adult choir (2nd Sunday): To proclaim the word of God through song and instruments, enabling the spirit filled prayer of assembly, encouraging God’s people to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with God. Enables full active and conscious participation of the assembly in worship

Soldiers for Christ

Men’s choir (last Sunday of the month): To proclaim the word of God through song and instruments, enabling the spirit filled prayer of assembly, encouraging God’s people to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with God. Enables full active and conscious participation of the assembly in worship

Ambassadors for God

8AM Choir: To proclaim the word of God through song and instruments, enabling the spirit filled prayer of assembly, encouraging God’s people to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with God. Enables full active and conscious participation of the assembly in worship

David's Angels

Adult Liturgical Dance: Brings the church into the presence of God through liturgical movement (dance)

Our Saints

Youth and young adult Liturgical Dance: Brings the church into the presence of God through liturgical movement (dance)

Golden Hearts

Senior group meeting to plan activities for seniors of parish and community

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Peter Claver

Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary


This ministry provides a forum for couples to grow into a deeper relationship with each other and God.  All married couples are members.  “… through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13

Men: Brothers in God

Furthers faith formation and promotes a brotherhood of men willing to work and serve others. We are inspired through testimony, study of Holy Scripture, and its application in our daily lives

Singles and Singles Again

To give spiritual, educational, moral and social support to single adults whose lives have been disrupted due to separation, divorce, or death of a spouse, and to those who have never been married.

Women: Women of Wisdom

Provides opportunities for spiritual growth and build positive relationships through fellowship and service.

St. Vincent De Paul

To serve the poor within the parish’s boundaries

‘s boundaries

Social Justice

Provides information for addressing societal wrongs that are not in accordance to God’s plan for His people.