Father Bozeman’s 20th Ordination Anniversary

Father Bozeman will celebrate his 20-year anniversary to the Priesthood, May 20, 2020.*  Despite our obvious limitations, we will not allow it to keep us from celebrating our Shepherd.

Father Bozeman has touched our lives in many ways.  He has prayed with and for us, counseled, guided, and loved us.  We are truly blessed to call him our Priest, our family, and our friend. 

We are producing a SURPRISE video commemorating Fr. Bozeman’s journey and the impact that he has had on our lives, as well as many others. 

We are asking you to please record a message to Father so that we can include it in this special gift of memories and thanksgiving. The message should be under 1 minute in length.

The deadline for receiving your recording is Friday, May 15, 2020.  We apologize for the short notice. We pray that you will be able to participate in this momentous occasion as we know that it will be treasured by Father Bozeman for years to come.

Additionally, you are invited to join us for a “Virtual Anniversary Celebration” with Father Bozeman.  May 24th at 3 pm. We will come together on a zoom conference with some of Father’s family and friends. So, please save the date.  The details will be sent out soon.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Deacon Troy Smith at 985-290-8817 or email him at [email protected]   


Loyce Pierce Wright

Pastoral Council President

On behalf of St. Raymond and St. Leo the Great Catholic Church Parishioners, the 20*20*20* Anniversary Committee, and the SRSLG Pastoral Council


Record message on smartphone, tablet, or computer (via Zoom).

Come back to this web page.

Fill out the information in the fields below.

Select the upload button below.

Click the Submit button.

That’s it! If you are having issues uploading your video, please e-mail the file directly to [email protected].